2 Live wallpapers, 2 music visualizers & 2 flights through cosmos are included in this app! Choose between 47 radio channels in the music visualizer. The music is visualized through the colors of space. This will generate the ultimate Cosmic music experience, especially for you.
The "Radio wave" option simulates how the stars would appear if you could see radio wave colors. These magic colors can not be seen with the human eye, so here is your chance to see them.
The "Interstellar" option shows how the stars look like with the colors that we normally see. You will watch over 20 colorful nebulas. Sirius, Alpha Centauri and the Pleiades will pass by in this journey.
***** Upgrading to full version *****
You can visualize music from any player. 8 themes for the music visualization are included.
You can also build your own space world in the full version. Choose from 17 galaxies and stars like Sirius and Alpha Centauri. You can then change the color, size and brightness of the stars. It is also possible to choose the speed of your journey, the background clouds and the distance between the galaxies.
Control your flight through space with the gyroscope! Make the app interactive by upgrading. Battery saving functionality also included.
***** Digital Impulse Radio *****
The music in the radio channels comes from Digital Impulse Radio:
These channels are included in the app:
01. Astra Trance
02. Disco Hits '80s
03. EuroDance '90s
04. 9Axis Trance
05. Alyf Recordings Trance
06. Ambient & Lounge
07. Arrakeen Trance
08. Paradise Trance
09. Atlas Corporation Trance
10. Aviv Media Trance
11. Blues Channel
12. House Channel
13. Christmas Channel
14. Classical Channel
15. ATG Trance
16. Country Channel
17. DKR TecHouse
18. Emacore Trance
19. Ambient Fantasy
20. Gate of Paradise Trance
21. Jazz Channel
22. Kuno Trance
23. Matt Paul Trance
24. Heavy Metal Channel
25. Movie Themes Channel
26. Sounds of Nature Channel
27. Oldies but Goldies Channel
28. Ori Uplift Trance
29. Trance Channel 2
30. Funk & Electro Swing Channel
31. Psychedelic Trance
32. Pulsar Recordings Trance
33. Reggae Channel
34. Techno Channel
35. Rock Hits
36. Ahmed Romel Trance
37. French Skies Trance
38. Sundance Recordings
39. Rik Tights Trance
40. Liftburg Trance
41. Global Trance Channel
42. Resident DJ Channel
43. Nick Turner Trance
44. Victor Special Trance
45. New Wave '80s
46. PowerMixNetwork House
47. PowerMixNetwork Techno & UNDGND
2 wallpapers Live, 2 visualizers muzik & 2 penerbangan melalui kosmos dimasukkan ke dalam aplikasi ini! Pilih antara 47 saluran radio dalam visualizer muzik. Muzik ini digambarkan melalui warna ruang. Ini akan menghasilkan pengalaman muzik Cosmic muktamad, khas untuk anda.
"Gelombang Radio" Pilihan yang menyerupai bagaimana bintang-bintang akan muncul jika anda boleh melihat warna gelombang radio. Warna-warna ini sihir tidak dapat dilihat dengan mata manusia, jadi di sini adalah peluang anda untuk melihat mereka.
Pilihan "bintang" menunjukkan bagaimana bintang-bintang kelihatan seperti dengan warna-warna yang biasanya kita lihat. Anda akan menonton lebih 20 nebulas berwarna-warni. Sirius, Alpha Centauri dan Pleiades akan melalui dalam perjalanan ini.
***** Menaik taraf kepada versi penuh *****
Anda boleh menggambarkan muzik dari mana-mana pemain. 8 tema untuk visualisasi muzik disediakan.
Anda juga boleh membina dunia ruang anda sendiri dalam versi penuh. Pilih daripada 17 galaksi dan bintang seperti Sirius dan Alpha Centauri. Anda boleh menukar warna, saiz dan kecerahan bintang-bintang. Ia juga adalah mungkin untuk memilih kelajuan perjalanan anda, awan latar belakang dan jarak antara galaksi.
Mengawal penerbangan anda melalui ruang dengan giroskop! Membuat aplikasi yang interaktif dengan menaik taraf. Bateri penjimatan fungsi juga disediakan.
***** Impulse Digital Radio *****
Muzik dalam saluran radio datang dari Digital Impulse Radio:
Saluran-saluran ini adalah termasuk dalam app:
01. Astra Trance
80-an 02. Disco Hit '
90-an 03. Eurodance '
04. 9Axis Trance
05. Alyf Recordings Trance
06. Ambient & Lounge
07. Arrakeen Trance
08. Paradise Trance
09. Atlas Corporation Trance
10. Aviv Media Trance
11. Blues Channel
12. House Channel
13. Channel Krismas
14. Classical Channel
15. ATG Trance
16. Negara Channel
17. DKR TecHouse
18. Emacore Trance
19. Ambient Fantasy
20. Gate of Paradise Trance
21. Jazz Channel
22. Kuno Trance
23. Matt Paul Trance
24. Heavy Metal Channel
25. Movie Themes Channel
26. Sounds of Nature Channel
27. Lagu Lama tetapi Goldies Channel
28. Ori Uplift Trance
29. Trance Channel 2
30. Funk & Electro Channel Swing
31. Psychedelic Trance
32. Pulsar Recordings Trance
33. Reggae Channel
34. Techno Channel
35. Rock Hits
36. Ahmed Romel Trance
37. Perancis Skies Trance
38. Sundance Recordings
39. Rik pakaian ketat Trance
40. Liftburg Trance
41. Global Trance Channel
42. Resident DJ Channel
43. Nick Turner Trance
44. Victor Trance Khas
45. 80-an New Wave '
46. PowerMixNetwork House
47. PowerMixNetwork Techno & UNDGND